When Boags launched draught on tap to the Australian mainland they created hype by telling a story. A good story about a Great Green Pipe that pumped beer directly from the Brewery in Launceston to taps in pubs all over the country.
This multichannel campaign started with a fake public awareness operation - posting Council Planning Permission Notifications on the street outside hotels and handing out pamphlets to passers by.

A heavy array of online and media banners then led consumers to www.boagspipeline.com.au, which featured a pipeline project manager giving tours of the inner working of the project via videos, newsfeeds and updates.
Created by Publicis Mojo, the most important part of this campaign, other than it's far reaching activation is that it promotes Boag's point of difference - its Tasmanian heritage.
Although it was launched back in late 2008 this branding campaign should be recognised as a success in creatively conveying a simple message... Boag's draughts availability on tap in mainland Australia.
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