Sure enough they had the beef and porter pie my belly desired and as I sat slowly working my way through the plate and looked around, I was impressed with the effort that had gone into the surrounds. This grocery /licensed cafe / homewares store had it nailed. Timber shelves running along one side were stocked with a mix of local and imported ingredients in beautiful packaging. Fresh fruit and vege, even eggs sold individually ($0.50 each) were neatly lined up. Along the other side and around the back were display cases filled with delicious morsels like duck terrine, antipasto plates and an impressive selection of continental meats. Above these hung large vintage green half bay lights suspended from the ceiling. Above the display cases dried goods such as crackers and pastas were cleverly hung using meat hooks.
The front of the store was full of recycled wooden benches and tables for customers. The fantastic medley of woven baskets, barrels and aluminium tubs hanging overhead brought the height of the ceiling down in this area, creating more intimacy and cosiness amongst diners. Dotted around the walls above us were more chalkboards with messages such as “We love Istra Pork, a great selection of local free range pork products”, encouraging customers to head back to the counter after they’d finished their meal to select something to take away with them.
The experience was a feast for the eyes as well as the mouth. The old world charm of Annie’s made me comfortable and content, as though they were a grocer that had filled the larders of the town’s grandmothers for a lifetime, rather than just the six years they’d actually been in business.
That is my idea of heaven! Well anything with lots of good food is my idea of heaven! Nice one!